The Impact of Lighting on Cognitive Function: A Guide for Reducing Dem – Pitoies
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The Impact of Lighting on Cognitive Function: A Guide for Reducing Dementia Risk

28 Jun 2023 0 Comments
The Impact of Lighting on Cognitive Function: A Guide for Reducing Dementia Risk

The role of appropriate home lighting in preserving cognitive function and mitigating dementia risk cannot be understated. Just as a healthy plant needs optimal sunlight for growth, the brain requires sufficient light for a smoother flow of information. Optimal light conditions stimulate the brain, enhancing attention, memory, and thinking ability.


Chronic exposure to dim light can have significant impacts, particularly for the elderly. Poor lighting can inadvertently reduce information input, leading to cognitive decline. Moreover, inadequate light can disrupt the biological clock, potentially causing early waking and daytime drowsiness. Dimly lit environments can also trigger emotional problems such as anxiety.


Understanding whether a room is adequately lit is crucial. Indicators of poor lighting include eye fatigue and a sensation of glare. Often, the study and kitchen in a senior's home are the most likely to be poorly lit, increasing the risk of cognitive issues and falls.


To check the light intensity in a room, one can use mobile applications that approximate the lumens in the room by irradiating the screen to the light source. Ideally, a study should have more than 300 lumens, while a living room and a kitchen should exceed 1500 and 1560 lumens respectively.


Several lighting options are suitable for seniors, such as induction lights and voice-assisted intelligent lights. These can be placed at corners, toilets, and staircases for safety and convenience.


However, it's important to remember that cognitive decline isn't solely tied to dim lighting. Other factors such as lack of physical exercise, uncontrolled hypertension and high blood sugar, unhealthy dietary habits, hearing loss, and head trauma also contribute to the risk of dementia. Therefore, a comprehensive approach to mitigating dementia risk involves addressing all these factors.

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